
Zakład posiada 10 laboratoriów.

The "Fundamentals of Electronics" and "Electronics" laboratories offer teaching opportunities at the undergraduate level in analog and digital electronics. The labs include:
  • measuring stations for testing analog electronic components and circuits used in transport telematics systems,
  • measuring stations for testing digital electronic components and circuits used in transport telematics systems,
  • measuring devices and instruments (including programmable laboratory power supplies, digital and analog oscilloscopes, multimeters, function generators),
  • computers with software (LabView, Tina, NI Multisim, NI Ultiboard) for simulating analog and digital electronic components and circuits.
The "Fundamentals of Electronics" and "Electronics" laboratories offer teaching opportunities both with real analog and digital electronic components and circuits, as well as their study in computer simulation.
The "Communications Systems", "Teletransmission Systems" and "Radiocommunications" laboratories offer teaching opportunities at the undergraduate level in the field of wired and wireless communications and teletransmission systems. The laboratory includes, among others:
  • Measurement stations for testing communications systems in road and air transport,
  • measurement stands for testing wired teletransmission systems based on copper and fiber-optic technology,
  • measurement and visualization stations for road meteorology systems,
  • measuring instruments (including digital and analog oscilloscopes, multimeters, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, reflectometers, link and cabling testers),
  • computers with software for, among other things, video image analysis, license plate detection and recognition, graphical presentation of measurement results.
The "Operation of Telecommunications Systems" laboratory offers teaching opportunities at the undergraduate level in the operation of wired and wireless telecommunications systems. The laboratory includes, among others:
  • Measurement stand for testing fiber optic transmission paths,
  • measurement stand for testing and analyzing basic parameters of WiMax networks,
  • a stand for testing the correctness of functioning of internal subscriber exchange links,
  • test stand for measuring subscriber lines of CB, MB and interexchange type,
  • measuring instruments (including digital and analog oscilloscopes, multimeters, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, fiber optic reflectometer, fiber optic connectors, fiber optic switch).
The "Railway Telecommunications" laboratory offers teaching opportunities at the undergraduate level in the field of railroad telecommunications systems. The laboratory includes, among others:
  • Measurement stand for testing fiber optic transmission paths,
  • Measurement stand for testing the functioning and programming of Electronic Security Systems and their possible application in transport facilities on the railroad,
  • Measurement stand for testing the data transmission protocol of GPS receiver to executive devices (navigation, recording, etc.) according to the NMEA-0183 standard,
  • measuring stand for realization of telephone calls in VoIP network from the operator's stand,
  • measurement stand used to test the system apparatus Awizo connected to the PBX by a transmission channel realized on the U-junction.
The "Telecommunications in Road Transport" laboratory offers teaching opportunities at the undergraduate level in the field of telecommunications systems in road transport. The laboratory includes, among others:
  • Measurement stand for testing the data transmission protocol of a GPS receiver to executive devices (navigation, recording, etc.) according to the NMEA-0183 standard,
  • Measurement stand for demonstration and testing of elementary issues in the field of amateur radio communications,
  • measurement stand for testing the system apparatus Awizo connected to the control panel by a transmission channel realized on the U contact (2B+D channel),
  • a stand for operating and testing the capabilities of the Emapa Transport+ software package, which is one of the most popular programs on the market used by transport companies for managing their vehicle fleets and minimizing operating costs,
  • a stand for designing and implementing GIS in road transport in the form of preparing maps in dedicated software.
The "Intelligent Control and Diagnostic Systems" and "Localization and Management of Transportation Means" laboratories offer teaching opportunities at the upper secondary level in the field of control, diagnostic, localization and management systems in transportation. The laboratory includes, among others:
  • Measurement stations for testing intelligent control and diagnostic systems in transportation,
  • measuring stations for testing localization and management systems and devices in transportation,
  • measuring instruments (including digital and analog oscilloscopes, multimeters, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, reflectometers, link and cabling testers, programmable logic controller systems, communication and control modules),
  • computers with software for, among other things, programming of controllers, acquisition and analysis of localization data, graphical presentation of measurement results.

Laboratorium BSP

Z początkiem roku akademickiego 2024/2025 Zakład ITLIT WT PW uruchomił nowe laboratorium dydaktyczne symulacji i teleinformatyki bezzałogowych statków powietrznych BSP. Utworzenie laboratorium było możliwe dzięki finansowaniu pozyskanemu w wyniku konkursu Granty dydaktyczne III PW. Głównym celem przyświecającym projektowaniu i tworzeniu laboratorium było stworzenie przestrzeni, która umożliwi studentom praktyczne doświadczenie i zapoznanie z najnowocześniejszą technologią BSP, rozwijając jednocześnie ich umiejętności techniczne, umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów i umiejętności pracy zespołowej. Zagadnienia prezentowane na laboratorium zgrupowane są w czterech zasadniczych blokach: teleinformatyka i programowanie; modelowanie, analiza i symulacja; projektowanie i planowanie oraz mechanika i sterowanie lotem.


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