

ITLIT educates students in specialties:

  • Information and communication technology of transportation (1st degree studies),
  • Intelligent transportation systems (second degree studies).

Students of the specialty of Telecommunication of Transportation at the first degree program, are trained in electronics, automation, digital technology, telecommunications, data communications, telematics, construction and operation of telecommunications systems and transmission of information in telecommunications systems.

Graduates of this specialty have the ability to provide opinions on solutions, carry out projects, operate telecommunications and data communications systems designed for management and direction and control in various modes of transportation, including intelligent transportation systems.

Graduates can use their qualifications in:

  • enterprises engaged in the construction and maintenance of information transmission facilities,
  • transport companies in ICT support departments,
  • at telecommunications network operators,
  • design and construction offices for ICT systems and networks,
  • government offices responsible for transportation,
  • at transport operators,
  • public transport establishments.

The skills acquired are used in road, rail and air transportation.

Students of the Intelligent Transportation Systems specialty in the second degree program, are educated in the following areas: automation, architecture of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), electronic safety systems in transportation, intelligent control and diagnostic systems, ITS telecommunications environment, localization and management of means of transportation, image and signal analysis in ITS, ITS information security, and design of ITS elements.
Graduates of this specialty have the ability to develop ITS framework architecture, review and select ITS solutions, plan and execute projects, operate telecommunications and ICT systems used for management, guidance and control in transportation, including ITS.

They can use their qualifications by taking up jobs in:

  • enterprises engaged in the construction and maintenance of information transmission facilities,
  • transport companies in ICT support departments,
  • at telecommunications network operators,
  • design and construction offices for ICT systems and networks,
  • government offices responsible for transportation,
  • at transport operators,
  • public transport establishments.

Acquired skills are used in road, rail and air transport.